For Online Business Owners Struggling To Make Your Advertising Work...
"Copy & Paste These Same 'Advertising
Accelerator' Strategies That Turned $4,000 Ad Spend Into $72,000 Revenue
...In Just 7 Days!"
From the desk of Richard Legg
Dear frustrated advertiser,
If your business isn’t doing as well as you’d like right now, you’re not alone.
Advertisers all over the globe are being plagued by issues such as...
But don't panic.
If your advertising isn’t working online, there's a simple way to turn your campaigns around and start profiting by using...
This secret weapon can virtually guarantee a profitable return on your ad spend and ensure your ads keep working for years at a time.
In fact, 162 people (and counting) have used this to generate over six figures a month in profit with their advertising.
You might be thinking, “What is this weapon?”
His name is Jason Hornung.
Jason's been able to churn over $30 million of profitable ad spend for clients in every niche imaginable since June 20th, 2013…
Anything from $20 pet stain removers to $20,000 consulting packages.
Since that day...
He's Profitably Spent $468,753 PER MONTH On Ads.
And now I’ve partnered with him to bring you the very same strategies he’s used for himself and his clients, inside the Academy of Advertising.
Strategies that Sam Ovens used to spend over $30,000 per day, and generate over $6 million in sales...
And that Christopher Lewis used to generate $42,600 in revenue with only $6,700 in ad spend...
And that Raheem used to generate $10k in sales, starting out slowly with small $25/day ads.
Now you too can...
Turn Simple Ads Into Consistent Profits On ANY Budget With This (...Even If You Have ZERO Experience!)
The secret to scaling profitably (so you can spend $1,000s a day on ads without draining your bank account) lies in the decisions made AFTER you push 'publish' on your campaigns!
All businesses (no matter the size, niche, or ad spend) will have the EXACT same problem situations that occur in their accounts.
But the good news is that Jason has developed a set of proven “Profit Plays” to account for each of those situations.
When he started sharing them with his high level clients, the results were nothing short of fantastic.
And they were results that could be replicated over... and over... and over.
Like Nick Fullmer below.
Using these proven "Profit Plays", Nick was able to...
In fact, due to these 100% unique strategies...
Like Josh Jordan here...
Now you can access these strategies for yourself, without having to sell a kidney to cover Jason’s normal $30,000/year consulting fee.
And the best part?
With the proven "Profit Play" strategies inside the Academy of Advertising:
But don’t take my word for it...
Matt had never done advertising before.
He was able to take the Profit Play strategies and IMMEDIATELY use them to earn profits, not only for himself, but for clients as well.
Just by using the "copy & paste" strategies inside the Academy of Advertising, Matt was able to grow a super profitable advertising agency, without any prior training or without needing huge piles of cash to get started.
A common question people ask is:
"Will this work for my niche, or business model?"
The answer is...
YES! These Proven Advertising Methods Work For...
The only thing this won’t work for is offers that are non compliant with the ad networks (the usual things like guns, gambling, adult websites, etc).
Another common question is…
“How much do I have to spend on ads to make this work?”
While Jason’s methods work at scale, with large budgets, you don’t need to take out a second mortgage for these to work for you…
So you don't need to take huge financial risks in order to get started, get results and succeed.
Here’s Why You Need The Academy Of Advertising To Make 5-6 Figures Per Month With Ads Today...
"We’re averaging a $100,000 a month on revenue with less than $30,000 a month on ad spend, so we’re making almost 3 times back our money."
Mike Dillard
"Jason’s work consistently brings me back anywhere between $1.99 all the way up to $3 for every dollar I’ve spent with him. He is my friend, my former client, and now my traffic guy."
Frank Kern
"It really took our business to another level. What Jason shows you is the long term approach a long term strategy that you need to have for your business."
Joel Erway
"We ended up selling 7 packages within the first 4-5 days - packages in the $5k to $7k price range - from around $750 to $850 ad spend."
Jameson Brandon
Now that you’ve seen how people who join the Academy of Advertising have turned ads into 5,6 & even 7 figures per month...
How To Convert And Scale Paid Traffic Today
($1,995 Value)
This is a foundational training that covers Jason's unique methodology responsible for generating over $100 million in sales for clients.
You'll discover:
The Playbook Strategy Guide
($995 Value)
The 21 dynamic ad strategies inside this guide are designed to solve every problem you could face once you “hit publish” on your campaigns.
You can use this guide to instantly make the in-game decisions needed to profitably scale.
Here’s a few of the solutions in this guide:
Advanced Strategies, SOP’s & Frameworks Guide
($1,995 Value)
This advanced guide is broken up into multiple different sections that cover:
And if all of this wasn't enough...
BONUS #1 - Facebook Ads Bootcamp Training
“How To Create & Scale Profitable Facebook Ads Today”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this complete training course so you can make money from Facebook ads.
BONUS #2 - Google Ads Bootcamp Training
“How To Make Money From Google & YouTube Ads - Even If You Hate Video!”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this complete training course so you can make money from Google and YouTube ads.
BONUS #3 - Copywriting Bootcamp Training
“How To Write Words That Sell - Even If You Flunked High School English”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this complete training course so you can easily write words that make your cash register sing.
BONUS #4 - Email Marketing Bootcamp Training
“How To Make $10,000+ Per Month With Simple Emails”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this complete training course so you can add 5 figures + per month by converting more of your leads into customers.
BONUS #5 - 7 Figure Agency Training
“How Jason Built A 7 Figure Ad Agency From Scratch - With Less Than $1,000”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this complete training course so you can get paid 5-6 figures per month with your own marketing agency.
BONUS #6 - AoA Strategy & Support Group
“How To Get Help With Your Offers, Funnels & Ads From The JH Media Team”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free access to this client’s only Facebook group.
You’ll get guidance and support for making your ads pay, directly from Jason and the JH Media Team and other members running profitable ads right now.
BONUS #7 - Automatic Course Updates
“Yes! You’ll Get New Releases & Updates To The Training Automatically For Free”
($1,995 Value)
When you join the Academy of Advertising Profit Society, you’ll get free, automatic updates to our courses and trainings while your membership is active.
Here are just some of the updates coming soon that you'll get as an active member of the Academy:
Members Of The Academy Of Advertising Get Direct Access To Jason For Help With...
Here's The Deal...
A while ago I personally paid Jason $1,995 for access to his Academy of Advertising (and I consider that a steal!)
In fact, here's a screenshot of my receipt below:
Regular access to the public now costs $995 per YEAR
But Don’t Panic...
You don’t have to invest anywhere near that much.
As a special offer for my customers Jason has agreed to let me offer a limited number of places for a truly unbelievable price.
Click the button below and use the coupon “ACADEMY” at checkout.
You'll save a massive $696 on the public price for the Academy of Advertising, giving you access to everything above for just $299 per year.
That works out to less than $1 a day for world class ad coaching!
There are no long term commitments and you can cancel anytime, but when you join today you'll lock-in your $696 per year savings for as long as your membership is active.
When You Join The Academy Of Advertising Today...
Remember With The Academy Of Advertising...
Imagine how effortless it will be for you to create the income you deserve with a proven advertising system to follow.
Get Instant Access Now
Join The Academy Of Advertising And Get ...
Join Now For Just $995 Per Year
Only $299 Per Year
Use Coupon "ACADEMY" To Save $696 Per Year.
No Commitment. No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
The strategies you’ll receive have been tested and proven countless times.
They are currently being deployed in the market ON EVERY MAJOR AD NETWORK.
Plus, you’ll get direct help from Jason with implementing them on a daily basis.
At just $299 for a full 12 months access to the training and coaching, the Academy of Advertising will PAY FOR ITSELF over and over.
In fact, I guarantee you’ll ...
Make At Least $10,000 In Profit From Using These Proven Ad Strategies Over The Next 365 Days...
(Jason doesn’t even remotely consider a campaign a winner unless it’s doing well over $10,000 profit PER WEEK!)
If for some reason you follow the instructions and you don’t smash through this goal after 12 months, just let us know and we’ll promptly refund you.
You’ll get to keep any materials you’ve downloaded as a gift.
You either make at least a $10,000 profit from investing in coaching with Jason and his team during the next 12 months or you get your money back.
If you can’t tell, I’ve tried to make this so YOU have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
What are you waiting for?
Plus For A Limited Time You'll Also Get 3x Fast Action Free Gift Bonuses ...
You'll get a digital copy of my book - Seven Figure Blueprints - that details the exact 8-step process I use to build seven figure campaigns for myself and my clients.
This book condenses 15+ years of digital marketing experience into one action-packed manual that you can use to build your own profitable campaigns without expensive trial and error.
Here's Just Some Of What You'll Learn...
You'll get to see a complete breakdown of a fully automated sales funnel that generated $116,117 a month without ever talking to a single client or paying for a single penny in paid traffic.
Once you set this type of sales funnel up, it just works. With this bonus report you'll be able to model it for yourself.
This report will show you the results of a campaign that generated $149 for every single person that gave their email address.
You'll get to see the types of pages we used, the psychology behind the sales process and everything you need to craft your own similar campaign.
You'll be able to immediately download these bonuses in the coaching members area when you join today.
Fast Forward To Profits...
It’s 30 days from now.
Your investment has already paid you back several times over.
You’ve seen multiple successes with your campaigns.
You’re seeing more sales, more clients, more successes and ultimately more happiness.
People who watched you suffer when you lost money in the past are stunned by your success.
For the first time, you’re realizing that you can exceed even your greatest hopes for your business.
And to make it risk free, it’s all backed up with a money-back guarantee for 365 days - you either make $10,000 in profit over the next 12 months with these strategies, or you get every penny back.
But more importantly…
You’ll be stuck spinning your wheels, struggling to grow like you are now.
You’ll be left behind.
Watching everyone else get results from their business and posting their screenshots of success while you sit on the sidelines.
It’s time to get you unstuck with proven strategies you can implement in just a few hours each week.
So pull the trigger now.
Hit the button below to lock in your price for just $995/year only $299/year, and I’ll see you on the other side...
Get Instant Access Now
Join The Academy Of Advertising And Get ...
Join Now For Just $995 Per Year
Only $299 Per Year
Use Coupon "ACADEMY" To Save $696 Per Year.
No Commitment. No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
Remember these strategies and tactics:
I can't wait to hear your results!
See you on the inside,
Richard Legg & Jason Hornung
P.S. In case you’re like me and you scroll on down to read this PS first, here’s the deal:
Jason spends $468,753 per month (profitably!) on ads for his clients.
He created a community called the Academy Of Advertising where he shares the strategies, processes and systems he uses RIGHT NOW to keep clients making money.
You’ll be able to COPY AND PASTE these strategies into your business, WITHOUT overwhelm or spending a fortune.
The public price to get access to the Academy Of Advertising is $995 per year, but click the button below and use the coupon "ACADEMY" on the next page and you can save $696 today and get access for just $299.
P.P.S. HINT: Even if you’re not ready to start your advertising journey right now, click the button to lock-in your discounted price at just $299.
You’ll secure your spot before the price goes up, saving you $696 per YEAR on the public price.
You can get started with the training anytime in the future knowing that you’ve got access for less than 1/3 of what the public pay.
P.P.P.S. For the right person, the Academy of Advertising will PAY FOR ITSELF multiple times over EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
And remember, it’s backed by an incredible guarantee.
You’ll make at least a $10,000 profit investing in coaching with Jason and his team during the next 12 months or I’ll happily send your money back!
(In fact, Jason doesn’t even remotely consider a campaign a winner unless it’s doing well over $10,000 profit PER WEEK)
If you can’t tell, I’ve tried to make this so YOU have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So click the button below and join now:
Get Instant Access Now
Join The Academy Of Advertising And Get ...
Join Now For Just $995 Per Year
Only $299 Per Year
Use Coupon "ACADEMY" To Save $696 Per Year.
No Commitment. No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
Get Instant Access Now
Join The Academy Of Advertising And Get ...
Join Now For Just $995 Per Year
Only $299 Per Year
Use Coupon "ACADEMY" To Save $696 Per Year.
No Commitment. No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
Please note that my results are not typical. I have the benefit of more than 15 years marketing experience and the results presented here are for example purposes only. There is no promise or guarantee that you will experience the same and you should recognize that all business entails risk and that your results will vary. The information was correct at the time of publication, but the author does not assume any liability for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions. All information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
2885 Sanford Ave SW #44277
Grandville, MI 49418
Use Coupon 'ACADEMY' To Save (Feb 13th)